I went for a beer with my new friend here and as always I had milion questions. I was curious especially about how is it with public holidays and vacations in Japan.I knew that Japanese work a lot but still I was shocked!!!! Just 2 weeks of holidays!! My friend was shocked too when I told him we have 4/5 weeks depending on company. Even if they have just 2 weeks, companies push employees to dont take even this little time off!! Thats called hard core capitalism.
I just got the information that in US its the same...oh my..at least I know that I am not going to move out from Europe!
I was a bit laughting inside, when I recalled moments how we were bitching with my friend about JUST 5 weeks of holidays!!!We are soo lucky.
Then if you are unemployed, you got just symbolic amount of money. You need to actively look for a job every day and take whatever work comes. This is kinda good but cannot imagine some engineer cleaning the streets.
Big thing is also sorting of waste. You need to be very carefull to separate things correctly. Yesterday I was observed by some grandma in Starbucks if I gonna do it right which made me slightly nervous and of course I put plastic to paper, so I took off from there immediately... :))
There are also very high fees for garbage per year cca 100 000 yen which is approximately 730 Euro. No wonder that my friend told me that his heart is bleeding once he needs to pay it :).
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