Today is pretty busy day. Coffee in Starbucks-we havent miss it so far. As we are there at least one time a day,we started to meet some foreign people regulary and looks like that we could have new friends soon :).
Then Magma studio. After boring magma pilates we wanted to try magma yoga. It was definately better, just price was a bit high almost 3000 ¥ for one hour. Magam yoga is japanese version of our bikram yoga. It is more relaxed here, in CR I had feeling its question of surviving or training for Olympic games. Nobody cannot leave hot room during the class, you can drink just when you are asked to do so etc...here you even have break afrer 30 minutes so you can go out if your head is turning or you dont feel well. Then again I need to mention how practical Japanese are and how they make life easy. They give you 3 towels, 2 for excercise, one for shower, in the showers you have organic products so you can use shampoo, condicioner, cleaning foam for face, after shower there is a room where you can dry your hair,do make-up, use body oil, face cream and you can take also plastic bag, where you can put wet clothes. It all sounds logical and normal, but I have never seen such an easy going system. Sara told me not even in Milan! In CR -what you dont take,you dont have or maybe people would just misuse it..Its horrible to say, but thats the true, we know where we leave.
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